Verteil is delighted to share the news that it is now an “NDC Certified” Level 4 Aggregator, under the NDC Certification Program. This status recognizes that Verteil Technologies Pvt. Ltd. uses Full Offer and Order management messages whose schemas are compliant with the standard NDC message schema, version 17.2.

With this certification, our flagship NDC platform, Verteil Direct Connect (VDC) goes from strength to strength in order to meet the needs of our agent partners in providing them end to end servicing capabilities. In addition to the level 4 capabilities which include Reshop and processing of involuntary change notifications, VDC supports Auto Refund, Post ticketing ancillary sales, advanced seat assignment, update passenger travel documents info, FFID updates, adding special services and adding SSR/OSI remarks. These features are crucial for our agency partners in their day to day operations. VDC is also IFG certified and our merchandising platform enables airlines to promote and sell their ancillary products and services. These comprehensive capabilities developed for airlines and agents puts VDC a cut above all other NDC platforms that exists today.
Verteil is committed to NDC 100% and will continue to drive innovations in its platform to be the very best NDC aggregator platform for our airlines and agents partners alike.